Young Living 101:


What is Young Living?

Young Living is a company that has been around for over 20 years. They are the leader in the world of essential oils because of their quality products and the wide range of product. But they sell other products beyond essential oils, too! Young Living has a high value for the standard of their products. They want quality over quantity. They have farms across the globe that help ensure their crops are quality. Their standard for product is what sets Young Living apart from the rest of the essential oil companies.

One of my favorite things about Young Living, as a company, is the connection and support given by the distributors. I follow quite a few of them on social media and I have seen just about every single one of them go out of their way to help people. So many of these people’s lives have been benefitted by Young Living’s products and they simply want to help anyone they can. It is truly a community.

I, also, love how open Young Living is about the business. They are not hiding anything. In my past experience with any MLM it has seemed like they are hiding things and trying to trick me into buying their products. Having said that, Young Living is upfront and honest about how their business works and where the money is going (into the distributors pockets! Instead of paying millions for marketing…)

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils come from a plants flower, stem, bark, or fruit. Essential Oils are the “life blood” of a plant. These oils are kind of like the immune system of the plant– they are esential to the plants health. Basically, Young Living put these plants through a process to extract the oil (distillation). This oil is then used to benefit humans for all different kinds of issues. Within 20 minutes of use, the oil is in every cell of one’s body. Essential oils are often called “mans first medicine.”

How do you use Essential oils?

Essential oils are actually used throughout normal day things: toothpaste, perfume, lotion, etc. The difference between oils, though, is how they are created and their standard of product. The oils in normal products are often made synthetically, so your body processes it like a toxin, losing the oil’s positive effects for your body.

Essential oils can be used in multiple different ways: aromatically, topically, internally. Essential oils are most commonly known for their ability to be diffused in the air. You can use them directly onto your skin or even ingest them. Some people even cook with them!

(Disclaimer: not ALL oils should be applied directly to the skin without being diluted. Some oils need to be diluted with another oil, like coconut oil, and then applied. Also, not ALL oils should be ingested. YL does have a collection called “vitality oils” that have been FDA approved for consumption)

Why do people use essential oils?

There are soooo many reasons that people use essential oils.

  • People use them as nontoxic replacements for fragrances (perfume, candles, etc.)
  • Aromatherapy
  • To make their own beauty products and cleaning products (which is nice because then you know what is actually in your products).
  • For emotional support (through the limbic system).
  • To help different systems in your body: digestive, nervous, muscular, and more!
  • To help eliminate toxins in your body.
  • To promote healthy, breathable air & remove toxins in the air.

How do you get started with essential oils?

Getting started with essential oils is easy! Young Living has made it simple with their Premium Starter Kit. The premium starter kit has, honestly, everything you could need. It comes with 12 oils, a diffuser, and some of YL’s top selling products (other than oils). The beautiful thing about this kit is that it, honestly, has everything you need to begin your journey!

Here is a couple of photos with the starter kit breakdowns…

How oils work for me and why I am into them?

I grew up with a momma that was an essential oil believer. I used oils to sleep better, fight off sickness, and clear up my breathing.

When I moved out of the house, I left those magic bottles at home. After some time, I began missing them + searching for solutions to life problems (sleep issues, car sickness, headaches, etc). I am the type of person that would rather “power through” than take something to ease the pain. But, I realized how unhelpful that was to my life…I intentionally left myself in discomfort. But I didn’t want to fill myself with the chemicals of medicine. So, in search of solutions, I returned to essential oils. But, only the few that I had truly seen positive results from.

After some time, I began exploring the ideas of better ways to nurture my body. As a part of my self-love journey, I wanted to begin to extend intentional kindness to my body. It led me to essential oils, yet again.

I now use essential oils to help support my emotions + to aid in my internal healing process.

I use essential oils to help me with sickness or physical pain.

I use essential oils to help improve the quality of my life: better sleep, clean air, and nontoxic perfume.

As a Young Living distributor, my goal is to spread the incredible power of these oils. I want others to be aware of a nontoxic option to improve their lives. Another goal is to learn more about oils and how to nurture my body more. Not only do I want to teach others, but I want to get oils in people’s hands, because I truly believe they will improve your life. SO! If you have questions about oils/Young Living, are interested in oils, or just want to talk about them…hit me up! I would LOVE to talk more and help you learn!

If you are interested in buying a starter kit (+ have me as your mentor!) you can click this link, buy a starter kit, and become a member! (becoming a member simply means you have a YL account + get a 24% discount on your purchases!).

If you want to follow my journey + learn more with me you can follow my Instagram: @SmellyGalEssentials

D I S C L A I M E R :

Suggestions made on this website are are specific to Young Living and should not be used with any other essential oils. Statements made here have not be evaluated by the FDA. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent and disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult a physician. If you are currently taking medication, please do not stop taking it. We do not take the place of your health care professional. Seek your licensed health care professional about your medications and possible interactions with what you are currently taking.